Monday, February 9, 2009


I'm weird. I have a thing for taking pictures of food. I guess, just a way to look back to what I almost all the time engulf all too quickly.
Eggs Benedict from Mama's in SF
The Montecristo from Mama's--- YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS!
Burnt Caramel ice cream from Ici-- It is amazingly delicious. It tastes like the bottom caramel of a leche flan
Clouds in my Coffee- UCC coffee with cream and syrup
Pepper Lunch in Milpitas. I still want to try Chuvaness's. 
"I'm a total egg slut!"-- Anthony Bourdain
Built by me burger-- medium rare, bleu cheese, boiled eggs, and the works!
That fish was all bones in 2 minutes.
Cocoa Bella dessert
BBQ-- kewl!
Garlic crab in Bora
HaloX2 espesyal-- constructed by yours truly!
A fav from NYC
Champurado (sticky rice with chocolate) with anchovies- try it before talking sh*t
The famous Squeeze Burger...with cheeseskirt!

Strawberries with amaretto sauce

Chocolate mousse

1 comment:

m.roq said...

you makin' me hungry!!!!!!
hey i wanna try that pepper lunch ;)