Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas used to be so Cool...

No, I haven't lost my Christmas spirit. I still look forward to it every year. I guess, I'm just a bit homesick. Nothing beats Pasko in the Philippines. It's just that there, it's FULL BLAST celebration. I remember the simbang gabi. Waking up at 5 am was something to look forward to. I always tried to make it to all 9 mornings of simbang gabi. I believe in the saying that you are entitled to one wish when you complete all 9 mornings. If I recall correctly, I can count some completion in my scoreboard. Who can resist the puto bumbong and bibingka right after mass?
When I was young, my friends and I go around our place to do some caroling. We usually make our own instruments to increase our appeal, thus increasing our chances in receiving a larger amount of money. We make the drums out of milk cans and plastic bags. We also use a bunch of flattened soda caps on a string. I must say, I now realized that life was so simple then. How I wish I can go back and whisper to my young self then to cherish those moments. ((sigh)) I wish I was in the Philippines now. I don't know, It's just that I'm sitting here and all I can think of is how Christmas here in the US seems so "blah"...or it can also just be me. It can be because it's only four days more until Christmas and really, I haven't done anything "Christmasey," but Christmas shopping. I'm no Scrooge. I promise...really. It's just that it seems like the Holidays have been really uneventful. Well, we'll see. Afterall, the gift giving has yet to be in full swing.

1 comment:

m.roq said...

i totally agree...the spirit of christmas here is all about "shopping" then after that it's all returns and exchanges! hahaha..i miss it too ;(