Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sad Ramblings

I wrote this during my second year of college in Davis. I was not doing well in school and was incredibly homesick.

Sometimes, I ask myself why I am here. But, there has to
be a reason why God places me in certain situations. THERE
HAS TO BE A REASON. Either, to learn more about myself, to
learn to not give up, or to realize that no matter what,
life goes on. Sometimes, no matter how hard I try, it's
still difficult to be where I want to be. However, trials
and mistakes exist to teach lessons. Every unpleasant
thing that happens to someone should be taken as a
blessing because of the lesson learned. I have to accept
everything...every blessing, every hurt...everything!
Because if I don't, I'll be going against the flow of my
own path. Things happen for a reason. And with God's will,
everything is for my happiness.
It's one of the most heartfelt and honest things I voiced out. I vividly remember typing this. Reading this now, it really shows how sad I was. I don't regret my Davis experience. I learned so much, met amazing people, and really it taught me how important family is. But, Dorothy was so right. There is no place like home.


m.roq said...

so emo here hah?! i feel that everyday so don't worry you're not alone...that's why im still stuck in school...damn it!!!

My Sunshine said...

Om my gosh!! That was a very heartfelt, emotional letter!! I feel you girl, but look where you are now? You did it!!! You accomplished your goal.. to be an RN! Congrats again!